The First Peach of the Season |
I picked the first peach of the season, on Monday. It looks ripe, but, it isn't fully ripe yet. It's firm to the touch and crisp. But, I like underripe peaches, cut up and sprinkled with what we call "lunu kudu", a mixture of salt and chili powder, sometimes, with a little sugar added. It was quite delicious.
It was rather hazy in the morning, but, not dark and grey, and by afternoon, the sun had burned off the haze and we had some sunshine. It had been cool in the morning, but, the afternoon was warm and it cheered me up quite a bit!
Dancer woke me up around 6:45 a.m. and I gave him some tuna, but, he didn't eat much of it. Just a couple of licks and that was it. I went back to bed and he slept for a bit, then, woke me up, again. This time, I opened a new can of his salmon pate and again, he only ate a couple of mouths of it. The third time he asked for food, I opened a can of mackerel and gave him a small amount; he ate a little bit, but, left the rest. In the evening, when he asked for food, I tried giving him a little of the chicken soup, but, he didn't even try it. I also boiled a few kernels of frozen corn for him. He usually likes corn, but, not today. However, he has been eating a little kibble from time to time, and he's drinking water and using the litter box, so, I'm not too worried about him. Once we have the lab results for him, we'll know what is bothering him and what to do about it.
Today, I changed my bed sheets and did a load of laundry. I dried them in the dryer and put everything away. However, the load of laundry I did on Sunday, which I hung up to dry, has not been put away, yet!
Later, I watered the back garden, picked more blueberries and the peach:
Monday's Harvest |
Neighbor T's daughter K called me in the afternoon, saying she was at her mother's house, and giving me an update about what is happening. They are planning to have an estate/yard sale, next weekend (her brother will drive down from Colorado midweek to help her set up and move some of the items they want to keep into the storage unit they have rented). She asked me if I'd like to come over and see the progress she has made in clearing the house and I said I'd love to. I went over and took the opportunity to return the key to the backdoor that they had given me some time ago, when T was still living in the house. I had never needed to use it and there is no need for me to continue to have it.
K has done a lot of clearing. She's boxed up a few things to store for now and go through later, but, she's hoping to be able to sell most of the furniture. I saw a new looking 2 drawer file cabinet and asked if she was selling that, too, and if so, how much she wanted for it, as I could do with another file cabinet. She said $10 and I asked her to keep it for me (I didn't have any money on me to pay for it right then and there). She said she will ask her brother to bring it over to my house, once he has come down. That would be great and I can pay for it, then. I'll probably set it up in the family room, next to one of the sofas, and it will hold all the overflow files that are currently stacked on my desk.
I'll attend the yard sale, too, just to check things out. I don't want to end up cluttering my house with a lot of stuff, but, if they have the patio set for sale, I might buy that.
Neighbor S called to ask if they could use my recycling bin as theirs was full; I said yes, of course.
Later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter.
Brunch was the peach, followed by a mackerel sandwich. Dinner was the last of the soup and a piece of toast with peanut butter.
On Monday, I was grateful for:
- Dancer is eating some kibble, even if he isn't eating any wet food
- Sunshine!
- Working appliances
- Visiting with K and getting a new filing cabinet
- Peaches!
Monday's joyful activity was being out in the garden, watering.
The Peach Tree |
Plans for Tuesday include my doctor's appointment. I'm not looking forward to that because I'm worried about what the blood test results will have to say!
How was your Monday? What are your plans for Tuesday?