Yesterday (Wednesday) was slightly cooler than Tuesday, and today is supposed to be even cooler at 100F!
I took it easy on Wednesday because Tuesday's heat might have taken a toll on me and I might have got dehydrated. I have been trying to drink enough water, but, I guess I didn't quite realize just how much water one can lose when it is so hot. So, although it was a little cooler, yesterday, I decided not to push myself too much. I practiced the piano in the morning and, again, in the evening when it was cooler, watched some TV, called neighbor T to check on her and called friend R, too, and did a little cleaning.
This is what I was trying to clean, declutter, and organize:
Entertainment Center/Shelving Unit - Before |
I can still remember when I put this unit together, about 25 years ago. There was an additional shelf that was supposed to fit across the space in the lower right, where I currently store the scrapbook albums, and a door to cover the space in the lower left, where I store the board games. I decided to omit the door as I found it hard to fix it (it required drilling holes and I didn't have a drill). I'm not quite sure what happened to the shelf or why I decided not to use it.
Yes, those are VHS tapes at the back of the top shelf - I haven't watched them in a while, but, I still have a VCR/DVD dual player for when I want to watch them. I keep debating whether to continue to keep them or get rid of them.
The "retro radio" is a combination radio, CD player, cassette tape player, and turn table and I still have a few vinyl LPs that I play on it. The other two shelves store my CDs (some in the brown CD holder with two pull out drawers, the rest in two plastic shoe boxes) and cassette tapes. Who listens to CDs and cassette tapes, these days, Bless? Well, I guess I do! LOL.
I started pulling everything out, shelf by shelf, dusting, and putting things back, yesterday, and finished it, today:
Entertainment Center - After
The unfinished doll house on the top was a kit I bought and tried to put together for my daughter when she was a little girl. I have kept it, hoping to finish it, someday. Maybe someday might come this year! The towel in front is for Dancer to lie on when it's not so hot that all he wants to sleep on is the tiled floor of the bathroom.
The items I pulled out which didn't go back on the shelves are now sitting around, looking for homes! They include two collectible dolls, my old camera (non-digital), picture frames and framed pictures, and a key holder that is meant to be mounted on the wall.
Today, I watered the front garden first thing in the morning, before it got too hot. Then, I finished sorting the shelving unit. I started this blog post after brunch and then, Aunt C called and we had a long chat. I am watching the evening news programs and have just had a cup of tea. The sprinklers are on in the back yard and, later in the evening, I will practice the piano and clean the kitchen.
Next on my cleaning agenda is the bookcase in the family room. It isn't too messy - just mostly full of books!
Bookcase - Before |
Some book decluttering might be in order, but, I am not sure if I am up to it!
Today, I am grateful for:
- Still having electricity (no power cuts, yet)
- Being able to run the fans
- Water for the garden
- Not being dehydrated
- Chatting with my aunt
Today's joyful activity was getting another shelving unit sorted and cleaned. These are deep cleaning projects I had been meaning to do for some time now and didn't get around to doing.
Thursday's To Do List:
- Clean the kitchen/do the dishes
- Water the garden, front and back - DONE
- Practice the piano
Friday's To Do List:
- Clean the bathrooms
- Do one deep cleaning task - the bookcase
- Have M put up the window a/c in the bedroom!
How is your week coming along? What have you planned for tomorrow and the weekend?